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Íllora is based in the lap of the Parapanda mountain range. In front of us the multicolour landscape of olive groves and cultivated fields that descend to the Fertile plain of the Genil unfolds; at the end, to the east, Sierra Nevada. The white small village of Íllora it holds to slopes of the rocky mountain, where its germ was.


Rutas NaturalesHow to interprete the environment

The road comes along showing you gently rolling plains of the province of Granada until campside is reached and we come to rougher outlines. On the way, every now and then, we come up on lagoons w [ ... ]


Albarradas are men made, to change the course of rivers. Although you could understand why people did this, all stones put toghether look like they wanted to changes natural course, but they did i [ ... ]

GastronomíaWhite Garlic

> Two garlic teeth
> Half a glass of olive oil
> Vinagre at taste
> Salt
> Cucumber
> An apple
> A liter of water
> Two spoons of flour
 [ ... ]

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