There are more one hundred kinds of birds making there nests in this territory, which increases as we are in winter time because of the winter birds. We do have eight kinds of anfibis and sixteen reptiles, twenty-two kinds of mamiferes, without counting the bats. Streams With the knowing that we generally say that all birds are the same, it must be said that a lot of them are living around streams, in order to drink, the Genil river is not a streambut a lot of birds live around that river up to Brácana.
Storks and herons are living there in winter time, the storks go north in summer and the herons come for summer time. They make their nests up on chimneys and houses, and they are so big that a lot of people don’t want them to be up there. The white lavandra and the chochin make their nests from vegetation, the song of the nightingale is heard every morning as the sun rises. If we see a small bird going between the leaves up and down that it is for sure the common luscini. The broodis a relative of the cuco, it leaves its eggs in the nests of other birds. Its song is as is as its name cuco, cuco. Just in Brácana you may find the picus viridis and the dendrocopus mayor and the torstneck, the three pearces of our province are in sotos frescos close to the woods we can find the chirp of a red bird that stays here the summer time. The aquatic rascon are representing local places it will be more difficult to see a fishing birdor an vulture both in extension in this area, en vegas de riego you still may hear the chirpof the owl whose eyes are yellow in the night, you can see them in winter and summer. Close to the Genil you can watch some other bird called turquoise which flies above water and catches a fish if it is possible, until a few years ago you could find the aquatic merel, a bird that isn’t found next to a stream anymore. A lot of birds are killed nowadays by the lightning of the cars during the night, they got blinded. The mamalian have a minor representation in the eco system of Íllora. We can find the water rats, the spidermuslm, the badjer, the nougat. The martle lives around the streams as well. Some bats of ribero do live around streams but not all of them. Talking about reptiles, aquatic ones are the most seen around the streams, the frog and the snake are seen but non of them is poisen. A lot of different ones like the mauremys leprosa, the natrix maura, and the rana perezi and the common toad together with other kinds of frogs usually live in common streams old fountains. some you may find in small reservoirs, if they aren’t used very often. The bufo calamita toad is the only one that can’t stand cold water, it prefers raincharcs, or drowned wheels in order to have it a bit warmer and to put its kids, although a lot of times it doesn’t come to an end making it’s cicle because the charcs dry out. Some toads aren’t seen anymore the salamander and the espuelas toad. On the picture you can see a common toad and a amplexo toad, as well as the common snake.
Pasture grass and pine trees In some places traditional lifestocks on the mountain have been put away and in some cases, they had to finish going there. And in some places they just had to go because of the not fertil floors, which only can afford minor vegetation and they can’t even afford trees. Some places you can find on the barrancos de la Varona, on the ºSierra Pelada, los tajos de la Puentezuela and places called the ramos. At this place climatic condincions are bilogical better than any where in the municipality, together with the Genil going through Brácana, and the difference offseeds which is a blessing for many kinds of birds. Here you can find because of plenties of seeds the verdecilla, (serinus serinus), the montesina (galerida theklae), the jilguero (carduelis carduelis), the picogordo (cocothraustes cocothraustes), the escribano montesino (embriza cia) and the soteño (emberiza calandra), the cucu (silvia communis), the alcaudon real (on photo) and the urraca (pica pica) el rabilargo (cyanopi a cyana) el papamoscascerrojillo (ficedula hypoleuca) and the grey fly (muscicapa cyana) the papialbo fly (phylloscopus bonelli) the espinares. After all if they are full of water, are sone excellent ecosystem for the herpetofauna. In those small fountains you can find six different kinds of amphibians and ten reptiles in an area of ten hectare. The most commun one that you can see around here is the eslizon tricactilo (chalcides striatus) an green snake which you can see on the photo. The roedor called mole is common in these places and makes life for agriculture very difficult. The spider mulsm (suncus etruscus) and the common hedgehog (erinaceus algirus) and the (mustela nivalis) weasel, there are lots of foxes (vulpes vulpes) nad you may see some quiroptero. Lynx were habitating this area up till the seventies. And the garduña (martes foina) you will see them during the twilight. Rocks, edges, and hugh mountain cuts The fauna of birds has to be associated to those places where you hardly can’t go, there ou will find specially kinds of birds which aren’t usually seen. Two of them for instance are the roquero solitario (monticola solitarius) and the red rocket (monticola saxatillis), the first one more seen, that the second one, the black collalba is seen between a lot of mountain edges, together to the rokyjet (phonoprogne rupestris) the vencejo real (apus melva) which has a 50 cm long wingsize, the petit red (phoenicurus ochyurus) which shows itself in winter time down town, the sparrow (petronia petronia) small sparrow with a yellow neck, and than the mountain hearth (galerida teklae) that to be different to the common one because it always stays between trees and plants. We must refer to the common lark (alauda arbensis) up on the Parapanda. The mountain court clerk (embriza cia) and two spawks the grajilla (corvus monedula) and the beauty of the red petit (pyrrocorax pyrocorax) and then talking about falcons crests which can be observed on the edges of the mountains, falcons are common in the Parapanda. The crown owl (bubo bubo) and the eagle who are always a couple (hieraatus fasciatus). In winter time you can see the black bird called capiblanco. A bird is being observed around the population of la cordillera cantabrica and pirineos and it is normally not possible to be observed in andalusian called creeper the treparriscos. Mamals are not to be observed in mountains although if there are caves, bats can live there. There aren’t any cheep on the parapanda because there isn’t to much herpetofauna, the small lizard is seen in those places, although the common lizard and the common snake (coronella girndica) like living in this kind of spaces where it is smoothly wet. Mountains and forests Forests have disappeared and our municipality hasn’t got any prime forest, although there are still small amounts of trees of a medium age lower than a century and there are extensions which are over 400 hectar with century trees. A young tree is not usually the place where animals can find something to eat so that is why te places are poor on animals. It is when the tree gets stronger and oldness, its inhabitants are coming to live there, torqueses, tortolas, red petits, the arrendalo, the fortolas, and the mitos. The pine trees aren’t rich on fauna although some of their kind are different because the red petit got its food out of a pine tree. The garpine (parus eter) and in minor living the pinzon (fringilla coelebs) and the herrillo capuchino (parus cristatus). The forest at night is changing in life, the falconand the owl get their food flying over the forest and watching for rats or mouses. Gulls and rabbits have found a living in the extension of those places where trees and water are seen. The shoe eagles (hieraatus petnatus) andcolmhearths (circaetus gallicus) are crown animals who live on the north lome of the Parapanda, just between very old pine trees which are observed to be the hardest and biggest of the occidental mountains of Granada. The carabas are strange (strix aluco) an the most frequent birds to observe are the autillos (otus scops). Birds that colonize since ever towns, gardens, and villages. Wild pigs can be seen on the Parapanda as it is a common animal close to water reservoirs, normally before the risen sun gone to hide themselves. Wildpigs (sus scrofa) the glutto nous (geneta geneta) garduñas, tejones, comadrejas, and the wild cat (felis silvestris) are seen in the Parapanda or Sierra Madrid of Íllora. In these habitats bats can be found as well.And talking about the herpetofauna, the lagartija long tail is being see every where.
Land of agriculture Grain and cereal steppe of the municipality is the best place in order to bird watch the common cogujadas (galerida cristata), the canadrias (melanocorpypha calandra) lullebye (lullula arborea) and terreras (caladrella bracidactyla). There are a lot of patridge but summer is each year hotter and this strange change is seen in eggs of patridge which were completely empty, so the patridges (aletoris rufa) can be find in groups as well as the white pigeons (columbaoenas). Around these landescapes it isn’t difficult to find a rabbit (lepus granatensis) around agriculture land people used to plant almond trees and olive trees as well. If you come around this kind of agriculture the situacion of animals is completely different, rats (apodemus sylvaticus) rabbits (oriptolagus cuniculus) the common mohl (pitymis duodecimcostatus), The weasel (mustela nivalis) and the hare. The ornitofauna of cultive land is normally mediterranea, including laf rabbits (cianopicas cianus) turtle doves (streptopelia turtur) black bird (tordos merula) magpies (pica pica) zorzales (tordus sp) common falcon (lanius senator) the crown falcon (launius excubitor), small owls (athene noctua) autillos (otus scops) mouse, currucas (sylvia sp) and some other of their kind. The lagart (lacerta lepida) is the most representive one of the herpetofauna. And snakes like on the picture below (elaphe escalaris) the ladder snake (elaphe escalaris) the closing snake (coluber hippocrepis) and the big bad snake (malpolon monspesulanus). |